The Acolyte took all season to get to the point, so I hope season 2 delivers on it

Spoilers ahead for The Acolyte.

Ever since I started watching The Acolyte, there’s been a particular path I hoped it would head down, but wasn’t particularly sure Disney would allow, at least not explicitly anyway. You see, in the original Star Wars trilogy, the Jedi weren’t really a thing, they were just forgotten history, so mostly the only idea anyone had of them were cool guys that fought the bad guys with glowing swords and magical powers. When the prequels came along, creator George Lucas was able to explore them in more depth though, right down to the political environment surrounding them (a bold move that didn’t entirely work out).

But in particular, it raised a question about the Jedi – are they actually good? Right from the first prequel film, The Phantom Menace, seeds are sown to suggest there’s something a bit off about them, actually. When Qui-Gon Jinn and co head to Tatooine, they’re not there to free any of the slaves that reside there. In fact, the only reason Qui-Gon Jinn saves anyone at all, one Anakin Skywalker, is because he believes the child is a prophesied one who will bring balance to the Force.

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