After months of radio silence, DLC-sized New Vegas mod Fallout Nuevo Mexico is officially confirmed to be “on hold”

The development of DLC-sized Fallout New Vegas mod Fallout Nuevo Mexico has been officially confirmed to be “on hold”, about two months after the mod ‘went dark’, with its YouTube channel, Twitter account and Discord server either having some content removed or ceasing to see regular updates.

If you’re out of the loop, Nuevo Mexico is a mod that was originally announced back in 2021, with the goal of taking New Vegas players on a fresh adventure set in and around the state of New Mexico just five years after the events of Interplay’s original Fallout game. Prior to April, it’d had a couple of pretty interesting-looking trailers, and its creators were giving interviews about their plans for the mod as recently as March this year.

Following some questions being asked at the time the mod went dark and another bump in speculation as to its status earlier this week, Nuevo Mexico’s head of public relations J.K-Serling has posted the following statement to the mod’s Discord server.

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