A Japanese TV station asked international anime fans their top 20 openings, and the selection mostly proves they don’t watch much anime

Japanese TV station TV Asahi recently asked international anime fans what their top 20 anime openings are, and the results have me convinced no one actually watches anime.

Back in March, it was announced on TV Asahi’s Sosenkyo Twitter account that they’d be hosting a special program going into the top 20 anime openings ranked by international anime fans. The program apparently polled 1740 people, from all across the world, in order to find out which are the best of the best according to non-Japanese viewers of anime. Don’t worry, you won’t have to sit through the three hour long special to find out, as conveniently the Twitter account listed them out for us.

Here’s the full list, which certainly indicates that most people are just thinking of the anime they most recently watched rather than what the best are:

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