Bungie says it will bolster efforts “to maintain safe and anti-racist community spaces”

Bungie has responded to the recent terrorist attack in Buffalo that resulted in the deaths of ten people and the injury of three others by announcing a new charity initiative and pledging to bolster its ongoing efforts “to maintain safe and anti-racist spaces” within its community.

“On Saturday, 14th May, a young white man drove hours from his home to a Black neighborhood in Buffalo, New York, and opened fire in a crowded supermarket, killing ten people and maiming three others,” Bungie said in a statement. “It has since been confirmed that this was an act of terror aimed at Black Americans and is being investigated as a hate crime. Our hearts go out to the victims of this tragedy, and anyone impacted by this act of violence.”

The studio, in collaboration with its Black at Bungie inclusion club, has announced a number of initiatives in response to the attack. It will, for instance, donate all profits made through the sale of its Be Heard collectable pin over the next 12 months to the Southern Poverty Law Center – a charity whose work includes “monitoring hate groups and other extremists throughout the United States and exposing their activities to the public, the media, and law enforcement.”

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