Fez at 10 years old: Phil Fish resurfaces for a rare interview

Yesterday, I published a piece looking back at 10 years of Fez, and while writing it, I couldn’t help but wonder what the game’s creator, Phil Fish, was up to now.

Just to recap: Fish left the games industry not long after Fez’s release, cancelling Fez 2 in the process. He then partially re-emerged with indie publishing label Polytron Partners a year later, in 2014, but was driven away again by repeated harassment from GamerGate. The last we saw of him was a collaboration on 2016 VR game SuperHypeCube.

I thought I’d drop him a line for editorial process’ sake, then, but I didn’t expect to hear anything back. A games journalist is probably the last person he wants to hear from. But I was wrong and he did reply, and so in a stretched out celebration of Fez’s birthday, here’s what he said.

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