Two Point Campus mixes strategy with eccentricity

Ah, university. A place to study. A place to find yourself. A place to go to gastronomy class to make a giant-sized burger, pop to a lecturer for private tuition, snooze in the library, take another quick nap in the corridor, bust a move at the union party, and maybe even blow a love trumpet.

Or maybe that’s just from my experience of Two Point Campus. This is the follow-up to Two Point Hospital, from Two Point Games. It allows for the studying, the burger, the private tuition and even the love trumpet. You’re tasked with building and managing a dream university, which means that you deal with students in all their lurid variety. It’s a sim game that understands university isn’t just about studying, it’s for learning about life.

As such, I found the game focused as much on extra-curricular activities and making friends as on going to class. There’s a much bigger emphasis on relationships compared with Two Point Hospital. People are no longer simple fodder for a parade of weird illnesses; students have personalities, likes, dislikes. It makes sense. This isn’t a quick hospital stay, but three academic years where I watch my students grow and flourish, receiving acknowledgment of my (and their) accomplishments in end-of-year awards.

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