Apex Legends players compare Seer’s abilities to “wallhacks”

There’s a new Apex Legend in town, but Seer might be bringing a little too much firepower to the table – as Apex Legends players are complaining that his abilities are too powerful. Some are even comparing his abilities to “wallhacks”, and many are calling for the character to be nerfed.

Over on the Apex Legends subreddit, complaints are piling in about how Seer’s abilities stack up to give him too much of an advantage in combat. Many of these complaints are centred on Seer’s microdrones – and the fact they’re seemingly the Swiss army knife of Legend abilities. Not only does the tactical ability do damage, it also reveals enemy locations (including health bars) and interrupts actions such as healing.

While Seer’s tactical does take some time to travel, players have found that it has a surprisingly large hitbox, as you can see from the experiment below… and the poor soul hiding inside a building who got caught out by the ability. It’s also a seemingly unstoppable force that can go through mountains.

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