
6 other historical settings we want Pokemon to visit after Legends: Arceus

Pokemon Legends: Arceus is a major event for the Pokemon series. Not only is it breaking with many series traditions to present a clearly Breath of the Wild-inspired open-world take on the Pokemon series, but it’s also taking a swing at a relatively underused concept for the Pokemon franchise: a historical story.

We’ve seen this before, briefly, in the DS spin-off Pokemon Conquest, which told the story of feudal Japan in the Pokemon universe. But this month’s title is the first time the concept has been explored in a main-line, full-fat Pokemon title.

Legends: Arceus is set in the Sinnoh region, the same area of the Pokemon world that happens to be based on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. Sinnoh has already featured in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, but what makes this game different is that it takes place in the past – seemingly somewhere around the 19th century. It’s the same region, but even the name is different: in these times, it’s known as Hisui. In Legends: Arceus, players will work to create the region’s first-ever Pokedex in a historical setting.

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