Following the unfulfilling story of Sonic Forces in 2017, many were concerned about the direction of future narratives. When Sonic Frontiers was first announced, fans were happy to learn…
Warner Bros. crossover platform fighter MultiVersus will soon be playable once again, this time to everyone who wants to throw down. The game’s first open beta kicks off on…
Fans eagerly awaited fresh news of EA’s highly-anticipated new Skate game have been given their wish, but it mighn’t be quite what they were expecting. EA and developer Full…
The Epic Games store is handing out two free games this week, and they are Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms and Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap. Both games…
The next Skate game will not be titled Skate 4, but skate. – yes, skate with a period. That’s according to the game’s developer and publisher, Full Circle and…
Following its reveal last week, Ubisoft has now shown off three minutes of gameplay footage from its upcoming free-to-play mobile shooter The Division Resurgence in a new trailer. Resurgence…
Join us Saturday, July 16, for one of Twitch’s most popular shows of the summer featuring an immersive in-game event, incredible giveaways, and major world premieres. There are few…