
Forza Horizon 5: Rushing to review would be a crime with a game this beautiful and chill

I’m pretty blown away by Forza Horizon 5, to be honest. The intro, which sees you taking control of a number of different vehicles after being air-dropped into various locations on the map, is stunning, and this sets expectations exceedingly high. So far those have been met over and over again. I’m loving Horizon 5 so much that time has seemingly just ebbed away effortlessly. I’m cruising around with absolutely no desire to rush.

It’s fair to say that the Horizon games over the years have felt almost hand-crafted for me, the man who loves Project Gotham Racing and games that let you discover cool stuff. Horizon has always combined a wonderful sense of discovery with an arcade-style handling model that is spot on. I don’t think any other franchise comes close when it comes to open-world driving and racing, and Horizon 5’s Mexico is the next step in that quest for perfection.

Once again the gameplay is complemented by an expertly curated soundtrack, which too seems laser targeted at my interests to the extent that I’ve already added a few new bands to my Spotify playlists. There are few games these days that I can feel truly engaged with, lost in without wanting to check my emails, but Forza Horizon 5 is such a game. When I’m playing I’m not thinking about anything else, and when I’m not I’m thinking about playing.

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