
While you wait for Dreadwolf, you can pick up Dragon Age: Inquisition for free on the Epic Games Store, but it’s not around for long

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is likely still a little while away, but lucky for you the Epic Games Store is giving away Inquisition completely for free.

I’m obviously aware of Dragon Age as a series, including how fervent its fandom is, even if they’re having to hibernate while they wait for Dreadwolf, but I’ve never actually played any of them yet myself. No particular reason why, there’s just too many other video games out there, so it’s just kind of been on the “I’ll get to it eventually” list for a while now. Except, I have less excuses to not at the very least give it a try, as the Epic Games Store is currently giving it away, the Game of the Year Edition no less, completely for free. Now when people ask me if I’ve played it I can say “no, not yet, but I do own it so I’ll get to it eventually,” which I would say is a small step of progress.

However, you’ve not got too long to pick it up – the deal ends next week, May 23, so make sure you pick it up before the next free game rolls around. Over on Dealabs, prior to Dragon Age: Inquisition being revealed as this week’s free game, frequent leaker of things like unannounced PlayStation Plus titles billbil-kun had reported that it would be. They also noted that Epic Games will be going away a different triple-A title up to June 13, for a total of four games, so you can probably expect some other big names over the next month too, given how reliable billbil-kun’s record has been with things like this.

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