We’re launching The Eurogamer 100 today – here’s what it’s all about

Hello! You might have spotted Eurogamer is 25 this week, and so alongside the first appearance of a few permanent micro-wrinkles and a sharp decline in people asking us for ID, we’re marking the occasion with something special.

Actually, it’s several things that are special, as editor-in-chief Tom Phillips explained at the start of the week, but this one warrants a bit of explanation. Today marks the launch of the Eurogamer 100, a list of the very best video games to play right now.

The emphasis, you might have spotted, is on that last bit. Somehow, in Eurogamer’s 25 years of publication, we’ve never actually run a list of the best video games full stop. We’ve had lists by platform, by genre, by series, by month and most prominently of course, lists of the best games released each year – with avid contribution from you to our readers’ top 50 alongside it, of course. But to our knowledge we’ve never had one, big all-timer.

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