
Watch Ian and Jim stream the first 90 minutes of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate on Switch

Cowabunga, friends! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate releases on Nintendo Switch tomorrow and, as turtle-fans from an early age, Jim Trinca and I will be taking an early look at the game in two player co-op for today’s live stream.

Splintered Fate has actually been available on the Apple Arcade for over a year now. It’s recieved a lot of positive reviews on that platform with many of them likening its rogue-like gameplay to a multiplayer version of Hades, which sounds pretty great! But will it be worth shelling out £26.99 for the Switch version (or the Steam version which has a Q4 release date) seeing as it’s a port of a mobile game, or will it be turtley not worth it?

I’ll update this site post with my thoughts on the game after the stream, but before that, you’ll be able to join Jim and myself for 90 minutes worth of live first impressions on the YouTube link below. The stream starts at 2pm BST so make sure you’re shreddy for it and we’ll see you there!

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