VG247’s The Best Games Ever Podcast – Ep.3: Best game with a mini-game better than the main game

Hello, readers. The VG247 The Best Games Ever Podcast returns once more, with episode 3. This week we’re arguing (quite a lot, actually) over the best game with a mini-game better than the main game. This brought up some good choices, but also posed the eternal question: what defines a mini-game? Have a listen to see if you agree.

“What is VG247’s Best Games Ever Podcast?” you ask, with the child-like glee usually reserved for when you find some money down the back of the sofa or see that someone at work has brought doughnuts into the office. Here’s the lowdown: Each week three of us must present our choice for the best game ever that fits the title of the show (this week it must be a game that we reckon is actually very good, but isn’t as good as a mini-game you can play in it). Then our host/judge, Jim Trinca, will use his limited wisdom to declare a winner and leave two of us with the hump.

Each episode of the Best Games Ever Podcast will be about 30 minutes long. Enough that you can zone out while also browsing Twitter on your phone for 5 minutes and not miss the whole thing, but not so long that you a week’s worth of commutes to get through it. Hopefully you can find room in your podcast-listening schedule for 30 minutes. If not, just cut Eurogamer’s – we won’t tell them. If you’ve cut Eurogamer’s already, I’m sure one of the identikit US shows can be disposed of.

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