This Week at Bungie: Huge Destiny 2 weapon and Trials changes are coming

Bungie, the development studio behind the popular live service Sci-fi FPS Destiny 2, has announced via a new blog post that a considerable number of balance changes are coming to the title ahead of the studio’s 30th anniversary event. Don’t fall asleep just yet! There’s also a new twist coming to the Trials of Osiris PvP mode.

This all is set to come to the game early in December ahead of the introduction of the new Loot Cave dungeon and the beloved Gjallahorn rocket launcher being brought in from the original Destiny. The aim appears to be smoothing out many of the rough edges the game currently has ahead of upcoming major updates, especially the Witch Queen expansion coming February 2022.

Let’s start with the guns! You can read all the updates in full via the blog post, but we’ve listed out the major pointers below:

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