
The Fenix rises again? Did a veteran COG actor just spill the beans on Gears of War 6?

If you’ve been anxiously awaiting news from Xbox Game Studios and The Coalition about Gears of War 6, know that you’re not alone. Thankfully, the wait might be coming to an end really soon, as the rumor mill is heating up.

While the timing makes sense (Gears 5 came out in 2019), AAA development is so screwed up nowadays that making these predictions is almost pointless. Recent reports, however, have claimed that a sixth mainline Gears of War is indeed part of Xbox’s summer plans to wow the gaming sphere. Now, we may have just received proper confirmation from a major COG actor.

When asked on social media about JD Fenix’s fate in Gears 5 and whether the choice of Kate Diaz saving Del Walker over him will stick in the next game (as everyone doubts The Coalition is doing two slightly different campaigns), JD actor Liam McIntyre said once again he’s truly got no idea, but that maybe the Gears team will tell us in June. You can check a screencap of the original Twitter post below:

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