System Shock remake launches this summer, and there’s a PC demo out today

Nightdive Studios’ long-in-the-works System Shock remake will finally launch this summer, the developer has announced, and to get you in the mood, a new demo launches today.

It’s been a long and eventful road for the System Shock remake, which was originally intended to be a remaster of Looking Glass Technologies’ classic first-person sci-fi horror before ballooning in scope. By the time its Kickstarter commenced in July 2016, it was being referred to as a “reboot” and, after a rocky period of development, Nightdive announced it was putting the project on hiatus after letting “things get out of control”.

Despite those rough few years, however, Nightdive managed to get the project back on track, albeit by essentially starting from scratch with more focussed goals, and development’s been slowly ticking forward ever since, with the studio providing frequent updates on its progress.

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