Sure, we’d all love a Nier sequel, but what I really want is the return of another Yoko Taro classic

As long as Yoko Taro isn’t pulling our leg, it’s increasingly looking like another Nier game is on the way. Whether that’s Nier 3, or Nier 4 if you count Reincarnation (and you should, because Taro himself certainly seems to), no one knows just yet, though the recent hints suggest the word “repent” could fit somewhere in there. That’s all fine and dandy, potentially exciting even, I love Nier! But (of course there’s a but), the thing I’d really love to see most from Taro, is a return to his lesser known but equally interesting series, Drakengard.

If you’re a dedicated Nier/ Taro fan, you’ll likely already be aware of the Drakengard line of games, a short series of games that Taro only actually made two out of three of, but is also deeply connected to Nier itself. I won’t get too deep into the weeds, but believe it or not, Nier is actually a spin-off of the original Drakengard, set in the future of one of its endings that is ridiculously difficult to unlock. That ending is particularly wild, because the entire game has a mediaeval setting, yet for some reason it sees its dragon-riding protagonist thrust to modern day Tokyo, setting the events of the original Nier into motion.

Drakengard did actually receive a sequel, but Taro had nothing to do with that one, though he later came back for Drakengard 3, releasing in 2013, three years after Nier. Unfortunately, 3 ultimately received mixed reviews, mostly because of severe framerate issues, though gameplay was well received – even if no one liked the dragon-riding parts.

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