
Saints Row 2022 isn’t the Saints Row you remember – and that’s fine

Saints Row has got a long and chequered history. We’ve come a long way from the the 3rd Street Saints and Volition’s fairly detached view of gangland violence back in 2006. Perhaps because the developers at the studio got sick of its games being labelled ‘GTA clones’ or perhaps because the market was shifting quite significantly into the 2010s, Saints Row – as a series – mutated quite a lot from its original vision until its hiatus in 2013.

And perhaps that was for the best; ending the series with your main character being elected President of the United States after foiling a terrorist attack, defending the earth from an alien invasion, and then being planted into a simulated world seemed like good call (but not before having him learn the true meaning of Christmas, and go to hell, of course).

With Saints Row 2022, things couldn’t be more different. This game – a complete reboot of the series – sort-of goes back to the roots of it all; you’re a young upstart gang member, disillusioned with gangland life, and eager to set up your own crew to break up the status quo. To that end, you recruit members of each of hometown Santo Ileso’s three main controlling factions: the gym bros of Los Panteros, the anarchist Idols, and the private military contractors of Marshall Defense Industries.

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