Rap star Doja Cat says only “horrible and garbage” players use Fortnite’s most over-powered weapon

US rapper Doja Cat has fired off a series of social media posts blasting “horrible” and “garbage” Fortnite players who use the game’s powerful (many would say over-powered) Chains of Hades weapon.

The Grammy Award-winning artist, whose hits include Say So, Paint the Town Red and Kiss Me More, posted a series of messages complaining about the Fortnite weapon in quick succession yesterday. A warning: Doja Cat uses extremely strong language which we reproduce below.

For the uninitiated, the Chains of Hades are a Greek god-themed whip weapon available this season with two uses: yoinking far-off players towards you, then following up with a blistering series of close-up swipes. They are really annoying… unless it’s you using them.

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