
Pokemon Go temporary bonuses are back until June 2021

By Stephany Nunneley, Friday, 20 November 2020 17:48 GMT

Niantic is bringing back certain temporary bonuses to Pokemon Go.

To continue adapting to the changing global environment, and in response to the situation becoming more difficult for many players due to COVID-19, Niantic is bringing back certain bonuses to Pokemon Go.

According to Niantic, incense effectiveness in Pokemon Go will be increased, now attracting Pokemon more often.

Buddy Pokemon will now bring you more Gifts each day, up to five gifts at once and up to three times a day.

These bonuses are temporary, but they will remain in the game at a minimum through June 2021.

Also, look out for the following bonuses to show up during select upcoming events:

  • Incubator distance reduction
  • Trade distance increases
  • 1 PokeCoin bundles
  • And more

These changes went into effect yesterday, November 19.

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