On its 15th anniversary, Killing Floor stands as one of the best zombie shooters – and the timing couldn’t be more perfect for Killing Floor 3

We don’t talk enough about Killing Floor. I get that zombie shooters haven’t been in-vogue for a while, but like everything else in life, it’s cyclical, and I feel like we’re on the other side of that cycle today. Everyone thought a simple game about slashing through zombies for 30 hours with creative weapons wouldn’t do well, but how well it did surprised even its own publisher, despite (technically) being in development for ten years.

Zombies never really go out of style, and I don’t think any shooter nailed that feeling of round-based zombie-killing action quite as tightly as the Killing Floor games.

Today is the 15th anniversary of the original Killing Floor – or 19th, if you count the original Unreal Tournament mod that started it all. Since then, there’s been one sequel that took it (mostly) to new heights, and brought it to consoles for the first time. We’re eagerly anticipating new details about the recently announced Killing Floor 3 as I write this.

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