No Man’s Sky’s Worlds Update part one comes with a bunch of new uber-immersive planet biomes, and a flamethrower-toting mech suit

The latest update for No Man’s Sky is dubbed the Worlds Update part one, and it looks like a pretty big one, even if as you can glean from its name, there’s more to come in the future. For now, you can look forward to some hugely-revamped planet biome tech that should make things extra immersive, and a new expedition involving a flamethrower-packing mech suit.

This latest update follows the bunch Hello Games has already deployed so far this year, including the Omega update, the Orbital update which finally brought us ship customisation, and the Adrift update that taught us how it feels to be a bit lonely. To be fair, I’d have struggled to outdo giving people interstellar Pimp My Ride.

As outlined in the patch notes for it and the trailer below, Worlds part one comes with a big focus on making planet biomes feel more immersive, thanks to some new technology Hello has developed while working on Light No Fire, and is now feeding back into NMS.

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