
Minecraft testing eight wolf variations

If you have been playing Minecraft for the last decade or so and been thinking, ‘I really enjoy this game, but I wish they would change up the wolves up a bit’, then I have good news: Eight new wolf variations are coming to Minecraft, first via the Bedrock Edition beta and preview builds and Minecraft: Java Edition’s latest snapshot.

In a blog post shared yesterday, Mojang detailed each new wolfy variant. The wolves all live in their own, specific areas, with the Rusty wolf “hiding between the jungle vines”. The Spotted wolf, meanwhile, can be found in the Savanna Plateau.

Other wolves currently being put through the test are: The Black wolf, the Striped wolf, the Snowy wolf, the Ashen wolf, the Woods wolf and the Chestnut wolf. Meanwhile, Minecraft’s original wolf is now going to be known as the Pale wolf.

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