Latest Guardians of the Galaxy fridge stat shows how house proud we all are

Video games are wonderful things. They offer an escape from the mundane rigger of everyday life and give us the chance to experience whole new worlds of fantasy and adventure. However, while Marvel’s Guardians of the galaxy certainly does this in spades with its eclectic cast and bustling locales, there is one area that is (for me at least) just like home.

Yes, I am talking about that damn fridge on the Milano that just will not stay shut. No matter how many times you get Star-Lord to close the door, it will always reopen again (and again and again and again).

But it turns out I am not alone in my quest to get that door closed (we need to save energy here people). In fact, that little seemingly benign door has been closed a grand total of 18.6m times. Much like the Guardians of Galaxy devs do as well, I admire the tenacity.

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