At least a few Eurogamer readers were probably in secondary school in April 1995, when Hubble took the famous Pillars of Creation photograph. It is impossible to restate just how much of an impact this image had: it was space seen in an entirely new way. It changed our collective idea of what the universe might look like.
It’s rippled down in popular culture across movies and video games. If you want to see a really great example of its impact, imagine this opening shot to the film Contact but in a world that never got to see any Hubble pictures:
Today we’ll all be getting to see the first images from Hubble’s successor, the James Webb Telescope. It’s time to have our views of the cosmos rearranged once again. We wanted to celebrate this moment in some way, and how better to do it than take a look at some of the great space vistas from some of our favourite video games? Just a few. Please add any shots of your own in the comments.