
Far Cry 6 review – Chaos in paradise

As the sun sets on your journey home, a tractor suddenly speeds past you on the road and smashes into the power station. The woman inside leaps out and orders her massive pet crocodile to attack nearby government soldiers, before grabbing a horse and riding off into the sunset while the tractor explodes behind her. It’s quite the spectacle, but all of this barely registers as you continue on your way. Why would it? It’s just another day in paradise.

Far Cry 6’s paradise hinges on fantasies — the fantasy that one man can shape fate, that corruption can be overturned, and that you’ll believe the situation on Yara is deeper and more complex than it really is.. The latest in Ubisoft’s long-running franchise refines the series’ penchant for chaos, but the fight against Castillo is far from the only civil war taking place here. Far Cry 6 is at odds with itself as well.

Far Cry 6 begins with a bang, or, more accurately, hundreds of them. Government soldiers raid a mid-sized city on Yara’s main island, ostensibly hunting rebels, but actually capturing dissidents and outcasts as labor supplies for Antón Castillo’s work camps.

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