F1 24 review: Breaking the DRS train a little, but not a huge amount

As a racing series, F1’s in a bit of a weird place at the moment. PR-wise things are arguably going better than they ever have before, with plenty of new fans being pulled in to watch an on-track product that’s been, well… just okay-ish a lot of the time over the past few years. So, where does its latest official video game adaptation sit? Well, in a similarly mid-pack sort of position.

I’m gonna start off by saying that, if you’re coming into this year’s edition of this annual sports series expecting a huge paradigm shift – much like with its brethren EA FC and NBA 2K – you may well be left a bit disappointed. There’s plenty of furniture that’ll be familiar to veterans, from the Podium Pass and Pitcoins that serve as the F1 series versions of similar mechanics every AAA sports game has had to have for a while now, to on-track action that’s desperately trying to satisfy both casual and hardcore players.

That said, we’re here to focus on what’s new or revamped, so let’s get down to that; starting with the mode that’s undergone the most comprehensive shift. A number of recent versions of Driver Career – which, as you might expect, allows you to inject yourself into F1 racing – have revolved around Braking Point, a very Drive to Survive-style story mode a bit like FIFA’s The Journey.

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