
Counter-Strike 2’s latest update lets you hold weapons in the wrong hand (but that’s actually good)

Left handed people, you get a win today, as Counter-Strike 2 has added in the ability to switch which hand you’re using in its latest update.

Being able to play as a left-handed person in video games is few and far between. It’s not exactly a deeply pressing matter when it comes to representation, but as a left-handed person whenever I see such an option I do think “oh, neat!” That’s exactly what I thought today when I saw that in a recent update for Counter-Strike 2, the option to switch which side of the screen your weapon is on has been added, ergo, the game now lets you choose whether you’re left- or right-handed (thanks, PC Gamer). OK, technically it’s just made everyone in the game ambidextrous, but when only 10% of the world is left-handed, you take what you can get.

Obviously I’m goofing around here a bit, but the update is honestly a useful one. The problem with first-person-shooters that only allow you gun to hang out on one side of the screen is that it takes a whole lot of your visual real estate up in that area. That means if you’re trying to say, look around a corner, it might be blocking your view, meaning you’re more likely to get hit. Now though, you can just switch up which side you want your weapon on and hey presto, you can see it all! You can even set which hand you prefer to start with, as well as switching mid-round, so all around it seems like a useful update.

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