Apex Legends is “evolving” its Battle Pass by splitting it in two and charging players twice

Respawn Entertainment has announced Apex Legends’ upcoming Season 22 will make significant changes to the free-to-play shooter’s Battle Pass “experience”, by releasing two Battle Passes per season instead of one, and then charging full price for each.

As of Season 22, Apex Legends will ditch its current season-long Battle Pass in favour of two half-season Battle Passes – one launching at a season’s start and another at its mid-point “split” – each featuring 60 levels of rewards, compared to the previous version’s 110.

Despite the truncated number of progression levels, each new half-season premium Battle Pass costs approximately the same as the older season-long version. Previously, a premium Battle Pass cost 950 Apex Coins (a 1000-coin bundle is priced at $9.99 USD), and Respawn’s new half-season Battle Passes cost $9.99 each. A new Premium+ tier (replacing the existing Premium Bundle) is $19.99 every half-season, and a free tier remains available.

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