
Adopt Me! Pets List: All pets, Eggs, and how to obtain

Adopt Me in Roblox is all about raising adorable pets, but getting Adopt Me pets isn’t as simple as just forking out Robux for that dog in the Pet Shop window.

You can buy some pets, but most come from Eggs. These Eggs have set chances of hatching pets of a certain rarity, and the game frequently rotates Eggs.

Some are only available for a limited time, though you can trade with other players for Eggs and pets that are no longer freely available.

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How to get pets in Adopt Me

You’ll get most of your pets from hatching Eggs you either trade for or buy at the Nursery.

Adopt Me! also hosts yearly holiday events with special pets. While you can’t buy or find pets from previous years’ events except through trading, you can keep an eye out for upcoming ones instead.

Christmas, New Year’s, Easter, and Halloween typically have at least two or three special pets, though the game has hosted April Fool’s and other events from time to time.

A note on the Adopt Me Monkey Fairground

The Adopt Me! monkey is a special case. It was formerly available as part of the Monkey Fairground event and could be obtained from a Monkey Box. The Fairground is no longer part of the game, though it’s reportedly being added again sometime in 2021.

Adopt Me! Egg and Egg hatching

These are all the basic Eggs in Adopt Me!, their hatch rates, and how to obtain them.

Adopt Me! Egg List
NameHow to GetUncommonCommonRareUltra-RareLegendary
Starter EggBegin Adopt Me! for the first time100%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Cracked EggPurchase from the Nursery for 350 Bucks45%33%14.5%6%1.5%
Pet EggPurchase from the Nursery for 600 Bucks20%35%27%15% 3%
Royal EggPurchase from the Nursery for 1,450 Bucks0%25%37%30%8%

Nursery Gumball Machine Eggs

These Eggs were previously available in the Gumball Machine. At the time of writing, only the Ocean Egg is still available, so you’ll need to trade for the others.

Here’s what to expect if you do.

Adopt Me! Gumball Machine Egg List
NameHow to ObtainCommonUncommonRareUltra-RareLegendary
Ocean EggPurchase for 750 Bucks20%35%30%10%5%
Safari EggTrade0%45%37% 15%3%
Farm EggTrade20%35%27%15%3%
Fossil EggTrade25%30%25%15%5%
Aussie EggTrade30%25%27%15%3%
Christmas EggTrade45%33%14.5%6%1.5%

Blue Egg

  • Always hatches the Blue Dog (uncommon)

Pink Egg

  • Always hatches the Pink Cat (uncommon)

Adopt Me Golden Egg and Diamond Egg

Golden and Diamond Eggs always produce Legendary pets, but you obtain these eggs in a different way. You’ll need 660 Star Rewards, earned through Daily Reward bonuses.

Once you reach the threshold for the Gold Egg and obtain it, the Rewards count resets. The next time you hit 660 Stars, you can exchange them for a Diamond Egg.

How does Adopt Me trading work?

Trading in Adopt Me is simple. Approach another player, and choose the trade option when it pops up.

Then, you’ll both have a short time to choose an item to trade and will need to verify that it’s what you want to trade.

The game evaluates the value of items offered on both sides and alerts you if it thinks the other player is trying to scam you. After that, accept the trade, and you’re good to go.

Adopt Me pets list

These are all the Adopt Me pets you can get organized by rarity.

Adopt Me legendary pets

Adopt Me! Legendary pets
NameHow to Obtain
Albino MonkeyTrade for the pet or a Monkey Box
Arctic ReindeerChristmas Egg
Bat DragonHalloween 2019 event, only obtainable through trading
CerberusPurchase from Pet Shop (500 Robux)
CrowFarm Egg
Diamond LadybugPurchase Diamond Lavender (199 Robux). Low chance of obtaining
DodoFossil Egg
DragonCracked Egg
Pet Egg
Royal Egg
Evil UnicornHalloween 2019 event, only obtainable through trading
Frost DragonChristmas 2019 event, only obtainable through trading
Frost FuryChristmas 2020 event, only obtainable through trading
GiraffeSafari Egg
Golden DragonGolden Egg
Golden GriffinGolden Egg
Golden UnicornGolden Egg
Golden LadybugPurchase Diamond Lavender (199 Robux). Low chance
Golden PenguinGive a Golden Goldfish to a Penguin at the Ice Cream Parlor. Low chance.
Golden RatLunar New Year event, only obtainable through trading for the pet or a Rat Box
GriffinPurchase in the Pet Shop (600 Robux). Gamepass pet
Guardian LionPurchase in the Pet Shop (500 Robux)
KangarooAussie Egg
KitsunePurchase in the Pet Shop (600 Robux)
King BeePurchase honey (199 Robux) from the Coffee Shop. Low chance
Monkey KingCombine 3 Monkey Staffs with a Monkey
Ninja MonkeyCombine 3 Scrolls with a Monkey
Metal OxLunar New Year event, only obtainable through trading for the pet or an Ox Box
OwlFarm Egg
ParrotJungle Egg
PeacockPurchase in the Pet Shop (550 Robux)
Queen BeePuchase honey (199 Robux) from the Coffee Shop. Low chance
Robo DogPurchase in the Pet Shop (600 Robux)
Shadow DragonHalloween 2019 event, only obtainable through trading
Skele-RexHalloween 2020 event, only obtainable through trading
Snow OwlChristmas 2020 event, only obtainable through trading
Tyrannosaurus RexFossil Egg
TurtleAussie Egg
SharkOcean Egg
OctopusOcean Egg
Diamond DragonDiamond Egg
Diamond GriffinDiamond Egg
Diamond UnicornDiamond Egg

Adopt Me ultra-rare pets

Adopt Me! Ultra-Rare pets
NameHow to Obtain
Albino BatHalloween 2020 event, only obtainable through trading for the pet or a Bat Box
Arctic FoxChristmas Egg
BeeTame by purchasing Honey (199 Robux) from the Coffee Shop
Business MonkeyCombine three briefcases with a Monkey
CrocodileJungle Egg
Santa Dog DalmatianChristmas 2020 event, only obtainable through trading
DeinonychusFossil Egg
Elf HedgehogChristmas 2020 event, only obtainable through trading
FlamingoSafari Egg
FrogAussie Egg
Ghost BunnyHalloween 2020 event, only obtainable through trading
HorsePurchase for 300 Robux at the Pet Shop (Gamepass Pet)
KoalaAussie Egg
LadybugFarm Shop 2021 event, tame through buying Diamond Lavender (199 Robux)
LambEaster 2021 event, only obtainable through trading
LionSafari Egg
LlamaFarm Egg
Lunar OxLunar New Year event, only obtainable through trading for the pet or an Ox Box
PandaPurchase from Pet Shop for 249 Robux (Gamepass pet)
PenguinPurchase a Golden Goldfish (225 Robux) and give to a Penguin at the Ice Cream Parlor
PlatypusJungle Egg
Red PandaCracked Egg
Pet Egg
Royal Egg
Red SquirrelPurchase from Shop tab or Toy Shop (200 Robux)
Toy MonkeyCombine three Cymbals with a Monkey
SabtertoothFossil Egg
Shiba InuCracked Egg
Pet Egg
Royal Egg
SlothPurchase from the Pet Shop (199 Robux)
TurkeyFarm Egg
YetiChristmas 2020 event, only obtainable through trading
ClownfishOcean Egg

Adopt Me rare pets

Adopt Me! Rare pets
NameHow to Obtain
Australian KelpieAussie Egg
BeaverCracked Egg
Pet Egg
Royal Egg
Brown BearJungle Egg
BunnyCracked Egg
Pet Egg
Starter Egg
CowFarm Egg
DilophosaurusFossil Egg
ElephantSafari Egg
Elf ShrewChristmas 2020, only obtainable through trading
EmuAussie Egg
HyenaSafari Egg
MonkeyMonkey Box, only obtainable through trading
Musk OxChristmas 2020, only obtainable through trading
Lunar OxLunar New Year event, only obtainable through trading for the pet or an Ox Box
PigFarm Egg
Polar BearChristmas Egg
PterodactylFossil Egg
RabbitCracked Egg
Pet Egg
Royal Egg
RatLunar New Year event, only obtainable through trading for the pet or a Rat Box
ReindeerChristmas 2019, only obtainable through trading
RhinoSafari Egg
Snow PumaCracked Egg
Pet Egg
Starter Egg
SwanChristmas Egg
SeahorseOcean Egg
NarwhalOcean Egg

Adopt Me uncommon pets

Adopt Me! Uncommon pets
NameHow to Obtain
Blue DogBlue Egg
Black PantherJungle Egg
Chocolate LabCracked Egg
Pet Egg
Starter Egg
DrakeFarm Egg
CapybaraJungle Egg
DingoAussie Egg
Fennec FoxCracked Egg
Pet Egg
Royal Egg
GlyptodonFossil Egg
Pink CatPink Egg
MeerkatSafari Egg
Pet RockApril Fool’s 2020, only obtainable through trading
PumaCracked Egg
Pet Egg
Royal Egg
Silly DuckFarm Egg
Snow PumaCracked Egg
Pet Egg
Royal Egg
SnowmanChristmas 2020 event, only obtainable through trading
StegosaurusFossil Egg
TriceratopsFossil Egg
Wild BoarSafari Egg
WolfChristmas Egg
DolphinOcean Egg
CrabOcean Egg

Adopt Me common pets

Adopt Me! Common pets
NameHow to Obtain
BandicootAussie Egg
BuffaloCracked Egg
Pet Egg
CatCracked Egg
Pet Egg
Starter Egg
ChickEaster 2020 Egg
DogStarter Egg
Cracked Egg
Pet Egg
Ground SlothFossil Egg
OtterCracked Egg
Pet Egg
RobinChristmas Egg
Tasmanian TigerFossil Egg
StingrayOcean Egg

For more on Roblox games, here’s our list of the best Roblox games! While you can enter these Roblox Codes for free cosmetics.

Or if you’re feeling creative, here’s how to make your own game in Roblox Studio.

The post Adopt Me! Pets List: All pets, Eggs, and how to obtain appeared first on VG247.


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