Guess the game in Guess the Game, the latest Wordle clone

Guess The Game is the latest Wordle clone, borrowing from the film-based Framed to make you guess what game is being shown.

While Wordle makes you figure out what the word of the day is, Framed takes a different approach by showing you film frames, sometimes very obscure ones, and you have to guess the film in six frames or less. GuessThe.Game is the latest iteration in this trend, with a similar challenge as Framed, albeit with game screens.

Framed shows you the entire frame from the film, so even if it’s from a shot that isn’t particularly recognisable, you can at least see the whole thing. What sets Guess The Game apart is that the screenshots have been cropped, so you can’t see the entire frame. Makes sense, considering that UI can often be a pretty clear giveaway.

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