Tag: Nintendo Switch

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak trailer takes a look at Lucent Nargacuga and the Forlorn Arena

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak…

A look at the dangerous Lucent Nargacuga can be had in the latest video for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.…
John Cena is joining Fortnite

John Cena is joining…

Wrestling star John Cena is joining the Fortnite character roster, because of course he is. The hugely-popular wrestler turned…
Xenoblade Chronicles 3: how Monolith Soft pushes its Switch technology to the next level

Xenoblade Chronicles 3: how…

Since its acquisition in 2007, Monolith Soft has become one of Nintendo’s most prolific development partners thanks to both…
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 review – a JRPG masterpiece

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 review…

When Final Fantasy veteran and survivor of the Xenosaga games Tetsuya Takahashi set out to make the original Xenoblade…
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 review: A slow burn, but the best in the series so far

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 review:…

For me, probably the most refreshing thing about modern Nintendo is its full-force embracing of the role-playing genre. No…
The Lord of the Rings: Gollum pushed back ‘by a few months’ for polish

The Lord of the…

The Lord of the Rings: Gollum has been delayed. The action game was set for launch this September, but…
Return to Monkey Island gameplay reveals dialogue options, new character Judge Plank

Return to Monkey Island…

Creator Ron Gilbert has released a new snippet of gameplay from his upcoming release, Return to Monkey Island. Here,…
Nier: Automata player stumbles on secret room, sending community into a spin

Nier: Automata player stumbles…

A Nier: Automata player has stumbled upon a secret room in the game that’s remained undiscovered since its launch…
My Nintendo Store currently offline in UK

My Nintendo Store currently…

Nintendo’s online store went offline yesterday in the UK, and will remain unavailable due to maintenance until tomorrow, Wednesday…
The Lord of the Rings: Gollum delayed again, this time “by a few months”

The Lord of the…

Daedalic Entertainment has delayed the launch of Lord of the Rings: Gollum once more, this time pushing its previously…