VG247’s The Best Games Ever Podcast – Ep.2: Best game that nobody cares about

Hello, readers. The VG247 The Best Games Ever Podcast is back with episode 2, following the tradition of going after episode 1. This week we’re fighting over the best game that nobody cares about. Hmm, tricky one, that. Have a listen to see if you agree with our choices and which game was victorious.

“What is VG247’s Best Games Ever Podcast?” you ask, with the child-like glee usually reserved for when you see a new limited edition flavour Coke or a Transformer cameo in a new Chip ‘n Dale film. Here’s the format: Each week three of us must present our choice for the best game ever that meets certain criteria (this week it must be a game that we believe is great but nobody cares about). Then our host/judge, Jim Trinca, will decide who has made the best case and declare a winner, most likely annoying two of us in the process.

We’re aiming to make each episode about 30 minutes long. Enough to feel like you’ve invested some time into something more than an audio sneeze, but not so long that you need a whole box of Kleenex to make it through. Hopefully that means you can squeeze the show into whatever busy podcast schedule you already have going on in your life. If not, just cut Eurogamer’s – we won’t tell them.

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