Stop doomscrolling on Twitter and start… Doom Scrolling

Are you concerned about the state of the world? Tired of reading about Tory party incompetence and sleaze in the UK? Getting a headache from reading about the bloody Ottowa protesters and that Canadian vaccine mandate? Can’t stand to read another word about Europe and Russia staring each other in the eye over a potential Ukrainian war?

Well, we’ve got just the ticket. Stop doomscrolling, and start Doom Scrolling with this new Twitter bot that is posting a still from a playthrough of Ultimate Doom – starting from the end. Work your way backwards through hell as the account, once per hour, posts an image from the game. And don’t worry about it running out; there’s a good 15,770 images to get through.

Enough to stop you fretting about the threat of a global thermonuclear war for a little while, at least (almost for two years, if the account posts one image per hour, by our maths).

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