Star Trek: Legends is a fun RPG caught between two worlds

Star Trek: Legends is one of those games I didn’t know I needed in my life until I saw it; captains and crew from every generation of the show coming together in a turn-based role-playing game. Dr. Phlox does Final Fantasy, Dukat’s Dragon Quest – you get the picture – essentially, an idea I’m astonished I didn’t dream up sooner.

It’s not exactly that, obviously, but to my surprise, placing Star Trek characters into an RPG like this works. Character quirks translate into abilities pretty well, as combat sees you trade blows with Romulans, Klingons and other notable factions during a series of away missions.

Battles are simple but snappy affairs – each encounter takes 30 seconds to a minute to complete – and though you can brute force your way through a fair amount of them, things get interesting when you explore its range of buffs and status effects. My favourite is morale, where not only can foes flee from battle if demoralised enough, but can see you follow up with a bonus attack if yours is particularly high.

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