Poll: Rate Your Favourite SNES Games

SNES & Zelda© Nintendo Life

It varies from person to person, of course, but your favourite console generation is often the one you played most in childhood — in that impressionable pre-to-early teen sweet spot where a foundation of gaming memories are formed. That’s when you play the classics you return to later in life for the sheer pleasure of seeing old friends and blasting though a comfortingly familiar game using muscle memory. For many of us, the 16-bit era cemented our love for video games, and later this month the Super Famicom turns 25.

With the anniversary fast approaching, we’d like your help to assemble the top 50 Super NES games ever. We recently asked asked you to rank the top 50 Wii games, and the ordering of this list will be similarly fluid, dictated by the games’ User Ratings in the Nintendo Life Games database and therefore subject to change even after publication. Once an entry reaches a minimum number of ratings, it becomes eligible for our Top 50 SNES games list.

Below you’ll find a partial list of the SNES library. Feel free to let us know in the comments anything missing that you’d like to rate — preferably games you think could make the top 50 — and we’ll do our best to accommodate additions. To rate any title, simply scroll through the alphabetical list to find the game you want (or type the title into the search bar at the top to save your scrolling finger), click the star to bring up a rating of 1-10, and click the score you feel it deserves — job done! If you’ve previously rated your SNES games, just put your feet up; those scores are already logged. And if you need a reminder on a particular game, feel free to click the game title and check out our vintage reviews and screenshots.

We’ll publish the results around the anniversary, but in the meantime happy rating!

Thank you for rating your favourites (or otherwise). Feel free to discuss your favourite Super Nintendo games below, and we’ll reveal the results next week.

We’ve already compiled the Best 3DS games, the Best Game Boy games, the Best GameCube games, the Best Nintendo DS games and the Best N64 games, so check out those lists if you can’t get enough of Nintendo’s copious back catalogue. If you’re after something less retro and more modern, we’ve also got the Best Switch games (so far) available for your perusal.


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