I can’t wait for GoldenEye 64 Remastered – though I have almost as much love for the Wii remake

It’s impossible to argue that GoldenEye 007, aka GoldenEye 64, is anything less than one of the most important games ever made. But to me, as a James Bond fan, I’ve got just as much time for another GoldenEye 007: the 2010 remake and reimagining of the classic for the Nintendo Wii, later ported to the PS3 and 360.

If you believe the musings of your average internet-goer, this game isn’t worth thinking about. It doesn’t have a patch on the N64 original. It’s a glorified Call of Duty clone, and so on and so forth. There’s a ring of truth to bits of this – but I firmly disagree that this title is worthless. In fact, in many ways, in 2022, I actually value GoldenEye 2010 just as much as its 1997 predecessor.

Before you scroll to the comments and unload the abuse – let me explain why.

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